


futurerockstars / nette-psalm-plugin 1.2.0

A Psalm plugin, that adds stub files for Nette Framework classes with more precise definition suitable for static analysis.

download-cloud-line composer require futurerockstars/nette-psalm-plugin

Psalm plugin for Nette Framework

Latest Stable Version License

A Psalm plugin, that adds stub files for Nette Framework classes with more precise definition suitable for static analysis.


The best way to install the plugin is via composer:

composer require --dev futurerockstars/nette-psalm-plugin
vendor/bin/psalm-plugin enable futurerockstars/nette-psalm-plugin


There are no extra steps required, the plugin will start to work after install.


If you find a Nette class not covered by this plugin, please feel free to hit us with a PRs.


Future Rockstars

  • 1.2.0 No-return methods for components and presenters

  • 1.1.0 Changed namespace to `FutureRockstars`

  • 1.0.1 Added

    Also fixed issue with Stub files support in v 1.0.0.

  • 1.0.0 Stable release

    Added suggested dependency on PHPStan Nette Plugin that already has many great stub files.

  • 0.1.1 Updated composer.json

    Updated to allow usage of other than just dev-master branch of psalm

  • 0.1.0 Component no return on redirect

    In case of using the redirect method, psalm will know that this method never returns but instead always throws an exception.

Componette Componette