Extension for detecting mobile devices, managing mobile view types, redirect to mobile version for Nette Framework (2.4+)
Simple permission checker for Nette Framework (2.4+)
Visual paginator for Nette Framework
Flash messages handler for Nette Framework (2.4+)
Flysystem integration for Nette Framework (2.4+)
Forms control for adding phone filed for Nette Framework (2.3+)
Images handler for Nette Framework (2.4+)
Extension for loading static CSS and JS files for Nette Framework
Extension for creating confirm action dialogs for various items for Nette Framework (2.4+)
Forms control for adding date, date&time and time fields for Nette Framework forms
Flickr API client with authorization for Nette Framework
Forms control for adding slug filed for Nette Framework (2.4+)
Twitter API client with authorization for Nette Framework