Pre-configured PHP7.1 Nette sandbox.
composer create-project jzechy/sandbox-z
Sandbox have pre-configured and ready this packages:
- nette/nette Nette Framework Metta package.
- kdyby/translation Translation extension.
- kdyby/console Implementation of Symfony console.
- nextras/mail-panel Capturing emails into Tracy Debugger bar.
- nextras/orm Database ORM extension.
- nextras/migrations Database migrations.
- nette/tester PHP unit testing. Dev dependency.
Composer helpful project, installed after Sandbox-Z composer installation.
- nette/code-checker A simple tool to check source code against a set of Nette coding standards.
- components Folder for common components.
- config Project configuration files.
- lang Language resources for translator.
- model Folder for model classes.
- modules Folder for application modules.
- front Default Front module.
- presenter Folder for common presenters.
- BasePresenter Base presenter class.
- Component Base class for components.
- Form Base class for form components.
- Orm Nextras ORM model class fo repositories.
- RouterFactory Default routing class.
- code.bat File to run code-checker for all files in app folder.
- console.bat File to run Kdyby\Console.