


Kdyby / DoctrineCache v3.1.0

Doctrine 2 Cache integration into Nette Framework

download-cloud-line composer require kdyby/doctrine-cache
  • v3.1.0 v3.1.0

    Drop kdyby/strict-objects dependency for easier upgrades.
    Replaced \Kdyby\StrictObjects\Scream -> \Nette\SmartObject
    #26 Thanks @pechondra

  • v3.0.1 v3.0.1

  • v3.0.0 v3.0.0

    Updated for Nette 3.0.

  • v2.6.2 v2.6.2

    Hotfix for doctrine/common#833.

  • v2.6.1 v2.6.1

    • Fix compatibility with PHP 7.2.
    • Remove dependency on nette/reflection.
    • Fix MemcacheCache and MemcachedCache.
  • v2.6.0 v2.6.0

    • Memcached support; thx @jasin755
    • Dropped support for hhvm

    This release is for Nette ^2.4

  • v2.5.3 v2.5.3

    This release is for Nette 2.3.*

  • v2.5.2 v2.5.2

    This release is for Nette ~2.3 (which means also ~2.4).

  • v2.5.1 v2.5.1

    This release is for Nette ~2.3

  • v2.5.0 v2.5.0

    • Require newer doctrine/cache
    • Add filesystem and void cache options by @enumag

    This release is for Nette ~2.3

  • v2.4.1 v2.4.1

    • Add support for symfony/validator via @enumag

    This release is for Nette ~2.3

  • v2.4.0 v2.4.0

    This release is for Nette ~2.3

  • v2.3.3 v2.3.3

    This release is for Nette 2.2.*

  • v2.3.2 v2.3.2

    • The DI\Helpers::processCache() now uses the project directory to generate unique namespace for cache objects so you can't possibly have conflicts in shared databases when one application is deployed twice on the same machine or when they have similar cache keys.
    • RedisCache can accept Redis client in constructor

    This release is for Nette ~2.2

  • v2.2.5 v2.2.5

    • The DI\Helpers::processCache() now uses the project directory to generate unique namespace for cache objects so you can't possibly have conflicts in shared databases when one application is deployed twice on the same machine or when they have similar cache keys.
    • RedisCache can accept Redis client in constructor

    This release is for Nette 2.1.*

  • v2.3.1 v2.3.1

    Fixed compatibility with Nette, created experimental ReversedStorageDecorator.

  • v2.2.4 v2.2.4

    Fixed compatibility with Nette, created experimental ReversedStorageDecorator.

  • v2.3.0 v2.3.0

    Added basic tests, fixed compatibility with Nette.

  • v2.2.3 v2.2.3

    Added basic tests, fixed compatibility with Nette.

  • v2.2.2 v2.2.2

    Build is now done agains multiple versions of Nette.

  • v2.2.1 v2.2.1

    Added basic build, at least with code lint.

  • v2.2 v2.2

    • Bumped dependency on doctrine/cache to ~1.3.
    • Removed method Cache::saveDependingOnFiles().
  • v2.1.1 v2.1.1

    Extracted DI\Helpers::processCache() and DI\Helpers::filterArgs() from Kdyby\Doctrine for usage in Kdyby\Annotations and other extensions depending on Kdyby\DoctrineCache

  • v2.0 v2.0

    First release requiring Nette 2.1-dev

  • v1.1 v1.1

    Fixed stupid passing of Memcache instance to MemcacheCache

  • v2.1 v2.1

    Fixed stupid passing of Memcache instance to MemcacheCache

  • v1.0 v1.0

    Provides bridge bewteen Doctrine/Cache and Nette caching mechanism.







Componette Componette