


michaljurecko / n-asset-macro v2.0.2

Asset macro for Latte and Nette Framework for assets cache busting.

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Asset macro for Latte and Nette Framework.

Useful for assets cache busting with gulp, webpack and other similar tools.


Nette 3 is fully supported and tested.


The best way to install webrouse/n-asset-macro is using Composer:

$ composer require webrouse/n-asset-macro

Then register the extension in the config file:

# app/config/config.neon
    assetMacro: Webrouse\AssetMacro\DI\Extension


Macro can by used in any presenter or control template:

{* app/presenters/templates/@layout.latte *}
<script src="{asset resources/vendor.js}"></script>
<script src="{asset //resources/main.js}"></script>

It prepends path with $basePath or $baseUrl (see absolute) and loads revision from the revision manifest:

<script src="/base/path/resources/vendor.d78da025b7.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>

See the examples for usage with gulp, webpack.

Revision manifest

Revision manifest is a JSON file that contains the revision (path or version) of asset.

It can be generated by various asset processors such as gulp and webpack, see examples.

Revision manifest is searched in the asset directory and in the parent directories up to %wwwDir%.

Expected file names: assets.json, busters.json, versions.json, manifest.json, rev-manifest.json.

The path to revision manifest can be set directly (instead of autodetection):

# app/config/config.neon
    manifest: %wwwDir%/assets.json

Or you can specify asset => revision pairs in config file:

# app/config/config.neon
      'js/vendor.js': 16016edc74d  # or js/vendor.16016edc74d.js
      'js/main.js':  4b82916016    # or js/main.4b82916016.js

Revision manifest may contains asset version or the asset path. Both ways are supported.

Method 1: asset version in file name (preferable)

With this method, the files have a different name at each change.

Example revision manifest:

	"js/app.js": "js/app.234a81ab33.js",
	"js/vendor.js": "js/vendor.d67fbce193.js",
	"js/locales/en.js": "js/locales/en.d78da025b7.js",
	"js/locales/sk.js": "js/locales/sk.34edebe2a2.js",
	"css/app.css": "css/app.04b5ff0b97.js"

With the example manifest, the expr. {asset "js/app.js"} generates: /base/path/js/app.234a81ab33.js.

Method 2: asset version as a query string

This approach looks better at first glance. The asset path is still the same, and only the parameter in the query changes.

However, it can cause problems with some cache servers, which don't take the URL parameters into account.

Example revision manifest:

	"js/app.js": "234a81ab33",
	"js/vendor.js": "d67fbce193",
	"js/locales/en.js": "d78da025b7",
	"js/locales/sk.js": "34edebe2a2",
	"css/app.css": "04b5ff0b97"

With the example manifest, the expr. {asset "js/app.js"} generates: /base/path/js/app.js?v=234a81ab33.

Asset macro automatically detects which of these two formats of revision manifest is used.

Macro arguments


The format is defined by the second macro parameter or using the format key (default %url%).

format can be used with needed => false to hide whole asset expression (eg. <link ...) in case of an error.

You can also use it to include asset content instead of a path.

Placeholder Example output
%content% <svg>....</svg> (file content)
%path% js/main.js or js/main.8c48f58df.js
%raw% 8c48f58df or js/main.8c48f58df.js
%base% %baseUrl% if absolute => true else %basePath%
%basePath% /base/path
%url% %base%%path% (default format) eg. /base/path/js/main.8c48f58df.js
{* app/presenters/templates/@layout.latte *}
{asset 'js/vendor.js', '<script src="%url%"></script>'}
<script src="{asset 'js/livereload.js', format => '%path%?host=localhost&v=%raw%'}"></script>


Error handling is set in the configuration using: missingAsset, missingManifest and missingRevision keys.

These settings can by overrided by third macro parameter or using needed key (default true).

Argument needed => false will cause the missing file or the missing revision record will be ignored.

Missing version will be replaced with unknown string.

Example of needed parameter

  • absent.js file doesn't exist.
  • missing_rev.js exists but doesn't have revision in manifest (or the manifest has not been found).
{asset 'js/absent.js', '<script src="%url%"></script>', FALSE}
{asset 'js/missing_rev.js', format => '<script src="%url%"></script>', needed => FALSE}

Generated output:

<script src="/base/path/js/missing_rev.js?v=unknown"></script>


Output URL type - relative or absolute - is defined by fourth macro parameter or using absolute key (default false).

If absolute => true or asset path is prefixed with // eg. (//assets/js/main.js), the absolute URL will be generated instead of a relative URL.

{asset 'js/vendor.js'}      {* equal to {asset 'js/vendor.js', absolute => false} *}
{asset '//js/vendor.js'}    {* equal to {asset 'js/vendor.js', absolute => true}  *}

Generated output:

<script src="/base/path/js/vendor.d67fbce193.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>


In production mode is the macro output cached in default application's cache storage.

It can be changed in the configuration using the boolean cache key.


Default configuration, which usually doesn't need to be changed:

# app/config/config.neon
    # Cache generated output
    cache: %productionMode%
    # Path to revision manifest or asset => revision pairs,
    # if set, the autodetection is switched off
    manifest: null # %wwwDir%/assets/manifest.json
    # File names for automatic detection of revision manifest
        - assets.json
        - busters.json
        - versions.json
        - manifest.json
        - rev-manifest.json
    # Absolute path to assets dir
    assetsPath: %wwwDir%/ # %wwwDir%/assets
    # Public path to "assetsPath"
    publicPath: / # /assets
    # Action if missing asset file: exception, notice, or ignore
    missingAsset: notice
    # Action if missing manifest file: exception, notice, or ignore
    missingManifest: notice
    # Action if missing asset revision in manifest: exception, notice, or ignore
    missingRevision: notice
    # Default format, can be changed in macro using "format => ..."
    format: '%%url%%' # character % is escaped by %%


It is also possible to access the manifest from your code using Webrouse\AssetMacro\ManifestService (from DI container).

/** @var ManifestService $manifestService */
$cssAssets = $manifestService->getManifest()->getAll('/.*\.css$/');


Examples based on nette/sandbox:


N-asset-macro is under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for details.

  • v2.0.2 v2.0.2

    • fixed caching, include $baseUrl in cache key, server can be accessed from multiple URLs
  • v2.0.1 v2.0.1

    • New class Formatter
    • Format asset path even if asset not exists (and option missingAsset=ignore or needed=false)
  • v2.0.0 v2.0.0

    • Complet refactoring
    • Added ManifestService to access manifest data
    • The ability to generate absolute urls
    • Default output format can be modified in configuration
    • Added %base% and %baseUrl% placeholders
  • v1.2.2 v1.2.2

    Allow leading / in asset path in manifest.json, eg. "static/front.css": "/static/front.css"

  • v1.2.1 v1.2.1

    • Simplified code: replaced !%debugMode% with %productionMode%.
  • v1.2 v1.2.0

    • Added caching of macro output.
    • Added %content% placeholder for inserting asset content in format argument.
  • v1.1 v1.1.0

    Added cache for JSON manifest content.
    It is parsed only once when the macro is used several times.

  • v1.0 v1.0.0

    Completely redesigned.

    Support for two formats of revision manifest:

    • versions
    • paths
  • v0.1 v0.1

    initial version





php (>=7.1)
nette/di (>=2.4)
Componette Componette