#nedryse/simple-translator (cc)# Pavel Železný (2bfree), 2014 (pavelzelezny.cz)
Nette Framework 2.4.0 or higher
Simple implementation of \Nette\Localization\ITranslator interface. Just print the key as is. Usefull when you have no time for managing gettext translation but want translatable application in the future.
Prefered way to install is by Composer
composer require nedryse/simple-translator:~1.1
Or by manualy adding into the composer.json
"nedryse/simple-translator": "~1.1"
Add following code into the config.neon
translator: Nedryse\Nette\Localization\SimpleTranslatorExtension
In Latte templates of presenters and components you can use standard tlanslator macro
{_'Translatable text'}
{_'We have %d translatable text', $count}
{_'Field %s have to be translated', $fieldName}
{_'Field %s with %d letter have to be translated', $fieldName, $count}