


nepada / envy v1.3.1

This package is considered abandoned. Helpers for extracting, validating and type-casting data from environment variables

download-cloud-line composer require nepada/envy


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This package was originally developed and published under damejidlo organization.

Package abandoned

This package is considered abandoned.


$ composer require nepada/envy

Basic usage

Create Envy instance:

use Nepada\Envy\Envy;
use Nepada\Envy\LoaderFactory;
use Nepada\Envy\ValueProviders\Reader;

$reader = new Reader();
$loaderFactory = new LoaderFactory($reader);
$envy = new Envy($reader, $loaderFactory);

Envy supports several methods for loading the most common data types from env variables. When loading the value, it is first validated (throws exception on invalid input), and then type-casted.

String values

// Get string from `FOO` env variable, or throw exception if not set
// Get string from `FOO` env variable, or return `'default'` if not set
$envy->getString('FOO', 'default');
// Get string from `FOO` env variable, or return `NULL` if not set

Boolean values

There are multiple supported ways of expressing boolean values: true/false, yes/no, 1/0 (all case insensitive).

// Get boolean from `FOO` env variable, or throw exception if not set
// Get boolean from `FOO` env variable, or return `FALSE` if not set
$envy->getBool('FOO', FALSE);
// Get boolean from `FOO` env variable, or return `NULL` if not set

Integer values

// Get integer from `FOO` env variable, or throw exception if not set
// Get integer from `FOO` env variable, or return `42` if not set
$envy->getInt('FOO', 42);
// Get integer from `FOO` env variable, or return `NULL` if not set

Float values

// Get float from `FOO` env variable, or throw exception if not set
// Get float from `FOO` env variable, or return `3.1415` if not set
 $envy->getFloat('FOO', 3.1415);
// Get float from `FOO` env variable, or return `NULL` if not set


The default item delimiter ~\s*,\s*~ is used to split the items.

List of string values

// Get array of string from `FOO` env variable, or throw exception if not set
// Get array of strings from `FOO` env variable, or return `['foo']` if not set
$envy->getStringArray('FOO', ['foo']);
// Get array of strings from `FOO` env variable, or return `NULL` if not set

List of integer values

// Get array of integer from `FOO` env variable, or throw exception if not set
// Get array of integers from `FOO` env variable, or return `[42]` if not set
$envy->getIntArray('FOO', [42]);
// Get array of integers from `FOO` env variable, or return `NULL` if not set

List of float values

// Get array of float from `FOO` env variable, or throw exception if not set
// Get array of float from `FOO` env variable, or return `[3.1415]` if not set
$envy->getFloatArray('FOO', [3.1415]);
// Get array of float from `FOO` env variable, or return `NULL` if not set

Nette DI integration

Register the extension in your configuration, this will register the necessary services in your DI container:

    envy: Nepada\Bridges\EnvyDI\EnvyExtension

You can now use a shorthand notation to access Envy methods:

        foo: @envy::getString('FOO')
        bar: @envy::getIntArray('FOO', [1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13])

        type: MyService

Custom loaders

You can create your own loaders with completely customizable processing of loaded values, e.g.:

use Nepada\Envy\LoaderFactory;
use Nepada\Envy\ValueProviders\Reader;

$reader = new Reader();
$loaderFactory = new LoaderFactory($reader);

$defaultValue = [''];

// Processor that will split items on semicolon and validate every item contains valid URL
$arrayProcessor = (new ArrayProcessor())

$loader = $loaderFactory->createLoader()
	->withValidator('array:1..') // make sure we're loading non-empty array

// Get non-empty list of URLs from `FOO_URLS` env variable, or `$defaultValue` if not set
$urls = $loader->get('FOO_URLS');

If the default set of processors does not cover your use case, you can write your own by implementing ProcessorInterface.


The validation is build on top of Nette\Utils\Validators - you can validate against any type Nette supports.

  • v1.3.1 1.3.1

    • Package abandoned
  • v1.3.0 1.3.0

    • PHP 8.1 compatibility.
  • v1.2.0 1.2.0

    • PHP 8.0 compatibility.
  • v1.1.0 1.1.0

    • Requires PHP >=7.4.
    • Uses native property typehints.
    • Requires Nette 3.0 (Nette 2.4 support was dropped).
  • v1.0.0 1.0.0

    • Forked from from damejidlo/envy
    • Namespaces changed, but functionally equivalent to damejidlo/envy 0.1.1






php (>=7.4)
nette/utils (^3.0@dev)
Componette Componette