This tutorial is for Nette framework users, the others must adjust it for their needs.
This version works with Nette 2.1. There are older version working with Nette 2.0 and 0.9, too. Just check .
Just copy /libs/SuggestInput, /www/js and /www/css to your nette project
File list:
SuggesterTestPresenter.php - an example presenter showing the usage
/libs //You can copy this libs dir everywhere in your project
/docs - this help :) and other help files - you don't need to copy them
If you do not use RobotLoader, you need to include SuggestInput.php to your program.
Don't forget to call
Nette\Forms\Form::extensionMethod('Nette\Forms\Form::addSuggestInput', 'Nette\Addons\SuggestInput::addSuggestInput');
from your bootstrap or BasePresenter::__construct()
Include the following JS libraries in the page layout (in the order as follows):
- jQuery 1.10
- jQuery.bgiframe 3.0 (included in package)
- jQuery.suggest 1.2 modified for SuggestInput (included in package)
- netteForms.js (part of Nette 2.0)
- suggestInput.js (included in package) And include the sample css file in the page layout
- suggest.css
You will need a presenter's action returning the suggested items as JSON array (they are loaded via AJAX (or, better AJAJ - Asynchonous Javascript And JSON))
So you will need a suggester object - the object that searches some "blackbox" and returns the matching items. The same suggester should be used in the action and should be given to the control (if you need to give one).
You can choose from 3 predefined suggesters:
- ArraySuggester - you provide an array of items and the suggester searches the array for matching items
- DbSuggester - searches a database table for matching items (uses Nette\Database)
- ConstantSuggester - always suggests the same items (provided as array) Or you can write your own suggester, but then please implement ISuggester
In the simplest case you just call
->addSuggestInput('uniqueId', 'Label', $this->link('suggest'))
on a Form you create.
This supposes you create an action called actionSuggest()
. The action uses
a suggester, which you can create in the component factory
See the example presenter for more examples.
You can try out a live demo at