


Tharos / LeanMapper v4.0.3

Lean Mapper is a tiny ORM based on powerful Dibi database abstraction library for PHP.

download-cloud-line composer require tharos/leanmapper
  • v4.0.3 Version 4.0.3

    • fixed compatibility with PHP 8.1 (#163)
  • v4.0.2 Version 4.0.2

    • fixed reading of NULL value from m:hasOne property (#161)
  • v4.0.1 Version 4.0.1

    • fixed usage of FQN in m:enum
  • v4.0.0 Version 4.0.0

    • added PHP 7.1 type hints (BC BREAK)
    • Mapper: added posibility to convert DB values from scalars to objects (support for Value Objects)
    • Entity: methods set() & __set() check value type (BC BREAK)
    • Repository: access to undefined property ($repository->onUnexists[]) throws exception (BC BREAK)
    • Fluent: changed value of static property $masks (uses value from Dibi) (BC BREAK)
    • Result: fixed usage of cleanReferencing/cleanReferenced with FilteringResult
    • Nette DI extension: fixed compatibility with nette/di ^3.0
    • IMapper: getRelationshipColumn() - added parameter $relationshipName (see #77)
    • DefaultMapper: $defaultEntityNamespace is changed by constructor (BC BREAK)
    • added declare(strict_types=1)
  • v3.5.0 Version 3.5.0

    • added support for converting of Row values (backported from LM 4.x)
  • v3.4.2 Released version 3.4.2

    • Nette DI extension: fixed compatibility with nette/robot-loader 3.0+ (#151)
  • v3.4.1 Released version 3.4.1

    • Repository: createEntities() uses $table parameter correctly (#148, 4f4f9bf)
    • fixed coding style (#147, 6bcd65a)
  • v3.4.0 Released version 3.4.0

    • Nette DI extension: file logger uses Dibi\Loggers\FileLogger (#145)

    • EntityReflection: added posibility to customize entity reflection via IEntityReflectionProvider (#141)

    • SQLite3: fixed $entity->removeFromX() for SQLite without option SQLITE_ENABLE_UPDATE_DELETE_LIMIT (#143)

    • Result: addToReferencing ignores duplicate values (#143)

    • Result: new self changed to new static (#140)

    • Entity: added support for implicit passThru (#137)

    • EntityReflection: improved performance (#132)

  • v3.3.0 Released version 3.3.0

    • changed default column for m:hasOne, DefaultMapper uses property name in column name instead of table name (BC break, #77, #127)
    • belongsTo relationships are marked as real-only (#124, #62)
    • added m:hasMany(#inversed) (#125, #123)
    • added support for multiline annotations (#108, #29)
  • v3.2.0 Released version 3.2.0

    • added support for nested brackets in flag values (for example m:default(array())) (#122)

    • combination of m:default and "equation syntax" ($property = value) throws exception (#122)

    • values in flag m:default are converted to correct datatype (#122)

    • bugfix - m:default wasn't marked as default value ($property->hasDefaultValue() was returning false) (#119)

    • fixed datatype changes in passThru setters (#117, #118)

    • fixed generating of complex SQL queries for UNION strategy (#109)

    • fixed bug when Lean Mapper was using setters and getters with visibility private & protected (#97)

    • fixed assign of null to nullable property with m:enum flag (#116)

    • PostgreSQL - fixed bug while calling of $entity->removeFromX() (#114)

    • improved detection of properties with duplicated name (#104)

    • added support for dash (-) in flag names (for example m:flag-name) (#107)

    • m:enum supports unprefixed constants (SomeClass::*) (#100)

  • v3.1.1 Released version 3.1.1


    • fixed Nette 2.4 compatibility
  • v3.1.0 Released version 3.1

    Complete diff


    • initDefaults order reverted
    • get() - improved exception handling for accessing relationship property of a detached entity
    • Entity::get() returns null for nullable property of a detached entity
    • Entity::get(), Entity::set() passThru now allows type change, BC BREAK


    • fixed undefined index logFile


    • PHP 5.4 code reformated
    • dg/dibi replaced with dibi/dibi
  • v3.0.0 Released version 3.0

    • Dibi v3.x compatibility
    • added Nette DI extension
    • added EntityDataDecoder as a example of serialization
    • added property m:default for default value alternative
    • added property m:column for column name alternative
    • fixed Fluent::_export() compatibility with Dibi\Fluent
    • Mapper::getTable() improved performance
    • Repository::createEntity() has to respect given table name
    • added Travis CI integration

    NOTE: known bug: #85 still unresolved!

  • v3.0.0-RC1 Released version 3-RC1

    • Dibi v3.x compatibility
    • added Nette DI extension
    • added EntityDataDecoder as a example of serialization
    • added property m:default for default value alternative
    • added property m:column for column name alternative
    • fixed Fluent::_export() compatibility with Dibi\Fluent
    • Mapper::getTable() improved performance
    • Repository::createEntity() has to respect given table name
    • added Travis CI integration






php (>= 5.4)
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