


tomaj / nette-api 2.1.0

API solution for Nette framework with interactive generated console for each api

download-cloud-line composer require tomaj/nette-api


Nette simple api library

Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality Code Coverage Latest Stable Version


Why Nette-Api

This library provides out-of-the box API solution for Nette framework. You can register API endpoints and connect it to specified handlers. You need only implement your custom business logic. Library provides authorization, validation, rate limit and formatting services for you API.


This library requires PHP 7.1 or later.

Recommended installation method is via Composer:

composer require tomaj/nette-api

Library is compliant with PSR-1, PSR-2, PSR-3 and PSR-4.

How Nette-API works

First, you have to register library presenter for routing. In config.neon just add this line:

    Api: Tomaj\NetteApi\Presenters\*Presenter

And add route to you RouterFactory:

$router[] = new Route('/api/v<version>/<package>[/<apiAction>][/<params>]', 'Api:Api:default');

If you want to use RESTful urls you will need another route:

$router[] = new Route('api/v<version>/<package>/<id>', [
    'presenter' => 'Api:Api',
    'action' => 'default',
    'id' => [
        Route::FILTER_IN => function ($id) {
            $_GET['id'] = $id;
            return $id;

After that you need only register your API handlers to apiDecider ApiDecider, register ApiLink and Tomaj\NetteApi\Misc\IpDetector. This can be done also with config.neon:

  - Tomaj\NetteApi\Link\ApiLink
  - Tomaj\NetteApi\Misc\IpDetector
    factory: Tomaj\NetteApi\ApiDecider
      - addApi(\Tomaj\NetteApi\EndpointIdentifier('GET', 1, 'users'), \App\MyApi\v1\Handlers\UsersListingHandler(), \Tomaj\NetteApi\Authorization\NoAuthorization())
      - addApi(\Tomaj\NetteApi\EndpointIdentifier('POST', 1, 'users', 'send-email'), \App\MyApi\v1\Handlers\SendEmailHandler(), \Tomaj\NetteApi\Authorization\BearerTokenAuthorization())

As you can see in example, you can register as many endpoints as you want with different configurations. Nette-Api supports API versioning from the beginning. This example will prepare these API calls:

  1. http://yourapp/api/v1/users - available via GET
  2. http://yourapp/api/v1/users/send-email - available via POST

Core of the Nette-Api are handlers. For this example you need to implement two classes:

  1. App\MyApi\v1\Handlers\UsersListingHandler
  2. App\MyApi\v1\Handlers\SendEmailHandler

These handlers implement interface ApiHandlerInterface but for easier usage you can extend your handlers from BaseHandler. When someone reach your API, these handlers will be triggered and handle() method will be called.

namespace App\MyApi\v1\Handlers;

use Tomaj\NetteApi\Handlers\BaseHandler;
use Tomaj\NetteApi\Response\JsonApiResponse;
use Tomaj\NetteApi\Response\ResponseInterface;

class UsersListingHandler extends Basehandler
    private $userRepository;

    public function __construct(UsersRepository $userRepository)
        $this->userRepository = $userRepository;

    public function handle(array $params): ResponseInterface
        $users = [];
        foreach ($this->userRepository->all() as $user) {
            $users[] = $user->toArray();
        return new JsonApiResponse(200, ['status' => 'ok', 'users' => $users]);

This simple handler is using UsersRepository that was created by Nette Container (so you have to register your App\MyApi\v1\Handlers\UsersListingHandler in config.neon).

Advanced use (with Fractal)

Nette-Api provides integration with Fractal library for formatting API responses. If you want to use it, you have to extend your handler from BaseHandler and your Fractal instance will be accessible by $this->getFractal().

Main advantage of Fractal is separation of your API "view" (like transformation data to json object or xml or anything...). Also you can include transformations in other transformations to include other objects to others.

Example with fractal:

  1. You will need Transformer
namespace App\MyApi\v1\Transformers;

use League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract;

class UserTransformer extends TransformerAbstract
    public function transform($user)
        return [
            'id' => $user->id,
            'email' => $user->email,
            'name' => $user->name,
  1. And this will be your handler:
namespace App\MyApi\v1\Handlers;

use Tomaj\NetteApi\Handlers\BaseHandler;
use Tomaj\NetteApi\Response\JsonApiResponse;
use Tomaj\NetteApi\Response\ResponseInterface;

class UsersListingHandler extends Basehandler
    private $userTransformer;

    public function __construct(UserTransformer $userTransformer)
        $this->userTransformer = $userTransformer;

    public function handle(array $params): ResponseInterface
        $users = $this->useRepository->all(); 

        $resource = new Collection($users, $this->userTransformer);
        $result = $this->getFractal()->createData($resource)->toArray();

        return new JsonApiResponse(200, $result);

We recommend to take a look at Fractal library. There are much more information about transformers, serializers, paginations etc. It is really nice library.

ApiLink in latte

First, you have to register filter in config.neon:

    apiLink: Tomaj\NetteApi\Link\ApiLink()
            - addFilter(apiLink, [@apiLink, link])

Note: Name of filter has to be apiLink, because it is used in macro / extension.

For latte < 3.0 register latte macro:

        - Tomaj\NetteApi\Link\ApiLinkMacro

For latte >= 3.0 register latte extension:

        - Tomaj\NetteApi\Link\ApiLinkExtension

Usage in latte files:

{apiLink $method, $version, $package, $apiAction, ['title' => 'My title', 'data-foo' => 'bar']}

Endpoint inputs

Each handler can describe which input is required. It could be GET or POST parameters, also COOKIES, raw post, JSON or file uploads. You have to implement method params() where you have to return array with params. These params are used in API console to generate form.

Example with user detail:

namespace App\MyApi\v1\Handlers;

use Tomaj\NetteApi\Handlers\BaseHandler;
use Tomaj\NetteApi\Params\GetInputParam;
use Tomaj\NetteApi\Response\JsonApiResponse;
use Tomaj\NetteApi\Response\ResponseInterface;

class UsersDetailHandler extends Basehandler
    private $userRepository;

    public function __construct(UsersRepository $userRepository)
        $this->userRepository = $userRepository;

    public function params(): array
        return [
            (new GetInputParam('id'))->setRequired(),

    public function handle(array $params): ResponseInterface
        $user = $this->userRepository->find($params['id']);
        if (!$user) {
            return new JsonApiResponse(404, ['status' => 'error', 'message' => 'User not found']);
        return new JsonApiResponse(200, ['status' => 'ok', 'user' => [
            'id' => $user->id,
            'email' => $user->email,
            'name' => $user->name,

Input Types

Nette-Api provides various InputParam types. You can send params with GET, POST, COOKIES, FILES, RAW POST data or JSON. All input types are available via test console.

This is table with supported input types:

Input type Example
GET new GetInputParam('key')
POST new PostInputParam('key')
COOKIE new CookieInputParam('key')
FILE new FileInputParam('key')
RAW POST new RawInputParam('key')
JSON new JsonInputParam('key', '{"type": "object"}')


By implementing method outputs for your handlers you can specify list of possible outputs (e.g. output schemas) and those will be validated before response is sent to user. If no outputs are set, response is sent to user without validating.

Usage example:

public function outputs(): array
    $schema = [
        'type' => 'object',
        'properties' => [
            'name' => [
                'type' => 'string',
            'surname' => [
                'type' => 'string',
            'sex' => [
                'type' => 'string',
                'enum' => ['M', 'F'],
        'required' => ['name', 'surname'],
        'additionalProperties' => false,
    return [
        new JsonOutput(200, json_encode($schema)),

For more examples see JSON schema web page. Keep in mind that nette api uses justinrainbow/json-schema for validating schemas and this package supports only json schema draft 03 and 04.


Protecting your API is easy with Nette-Api. You have to implement your Authorization (Tomaj\NetteApi\Authorization\ApiAuthorizationInterface) or use prepared implementations and add it as third argument to addApi() method in config.neon.

Basic authentication

Basic authentication is a simple authentication scheme built into the HTTP protocol. It contains username and password. You can define as many pairs of usernames and passwords as you want. But just one password for each username.

        factory: Tomaj\NetteApi\ApiDecider
            - addApi(\Tomaj\NetteApi\EndpointIdentifier('GET', 1, 'users'), \App\MyApi\v1\Handlers\UsersListingHandler(), \Tomaj\NetteApi\Authorization\BasicBasicAuthentication(['first-user': 'first-password', 'second-user': 'second-password']))

Bearer token authentication

For simple use of Bearer token authorization with few tokens, you can use StaticTokenRepository (Tomaj\NetteApi\Misc\StaticTokenRepository).

    staticTokenRepository: Tomaj\NetteApi\Misc\StaticTokenRepository(['dasfoihwet90hidsg': '*', 'asfoihweiohgwegi': ''])

        factory: Tomaj\NetteApi\ApiDecider
            - addApi(\Tomaj\NetteApi\EndpointIdentifier('GET', 1, 'users'), \App\MyApi\v1\Handlers\UsersListingHandler(), \Tomaj\NetteApi\Authorization\BearerTokenAuthorization(@staticTokenRepository))

With this registration you will have api /api/v1/users that will be accessible from anywhere with Authorisation HTTP header Bearer dasfoihwet90hidsg or from with Bearer asfoihweiohgwegi. In Nette-Api if you would like to specify IP restrictions for tokens you can use this patterns:

IP Pattern Access
* accessible from anywhere accessible from single IP,127.0.02 accessible from multiple IP, separator could be new line or space accessible from ip range
null token is disabled, cannot access

But it is very easy to implement your own Authorisation for API.

API keys

You can also use API keys for authorization. An API key is a token that a client provides when making API calls. The key can be sent in the query string, header or cookie. See examples below:

    staticTokenRepository: Tomaj\NetteApi\Misc\StaticTokenRepository(['dasfoihwet90hidsg': '*', 'asfoihweiohgwegi': ''])

        factory: Tomaj\NetteApi\ApiDecider
            - addApi(\Tomaj\NetteApi\EndpointIdentifier('GET', 1, 'users', 'query'), Tomaj\NetteApi\Authorization\QueryApiKeyAuthentication('api_key', @staticTokenRepository))
            - addApi(\Tomaj\NetteApi\EndpointIdentifier('GET', 1, 'users', 'header'), Tomaj\NetteApi\Authorization\HeaderApiKeyAuthentication('X-API-KEY', @staticTokenRepository))
            - addApi(\Tomaj\NetteApi\EndpointIdentifier('GET', 1, 'users', 'cookie'), Tomaj\NetteApi\Authorization\CookieApiKeyAuthentication('api_key', @staticTokenRepository))

Rate limit

This library provides simple interface for API rate limit. All you need to do is implement this interface like in example below:

use Nette\Application\Responses\TextResponse;
use Tomaj\NetteApi\RateLimit\RateLimitInterface;
use Tomaj\NetteApi\RateLimit\RateLimitResponse;

class MyRateLimit implements RateLimitInterface
    public function check(): ?RateLimitResponse
        // do some logic here

        // example outputs:
        return null;    // no rate limit

        return new RateLimitResponse(60, 50);   // remains 50 of 60 hits
        return new RateLimitResponse(60, 0, 120);   // remains 0 of 60 hits, retry after 120 seconds

        return new RateLimitResponse(60, 0, 120, new TextResponse('My custom error message'));  // remains 0 of 60 hits, retry after 120 seconds, with custom TextResponse (default is Json response, see ApiPresenter::checkRateLimit())

Then you have to register API to ApiDecider with Rate Limit

        factory: Tomaj\NetteApi\ApiDecider
            - addApi(\Tomaj\NetteApi\EndpointIdentifier('GET', 1, 'users'), \App\MyApi\v1\Handlers\UsersListingHandler(), \Tomaj\NetteApi\Authorization\BearerTokenAuthorization(@staticTokenRepository), MyRateLimit())

Javascript ajax calls (CORS - preflight OPTIONS calls)

If you need to call API via javascript ajax from other domains, you will need to prepare API for preflight calls with OPTIONS method. Nette-api is ready for this situation and you can choose if you want to enable pre-flight calls globally or you can register prepared prefligt handlers.

Globally enabled - every api endpoint will be available for preflight OPTIONS call:

        factory: Tomaj\NetteApi\ApiDecider
            - enableGlobalPreflight()
            - addApi(\Tomaj\NetteApi\EndpointIdentifier('GET', 1, 'users'), \App\MyApi\v1\Handlers\UsersListingHandler(), Tomaj\NetteApi\Authorization\NoAuthorization())

Or you can register custom OPTIONS endpoints:

        factory: Tomaj\NetteApi\ApiDecider
            - addApi(\Tomaj\NetteApi\EndpointIdentifier('OPTIONS', 1, 'users'), \Tomaj\NetteApi\Handlers\CorsPreflightHandler(), Tomaj\NetteApi\Authorization\NoAuthorization())
            - addApi(\Tomaj\NetteApi\EndpointIdentifier('GET', 1, 'users'), \App\MyApi\v1\Handlers\UsersListingHandler(), Tomaj\NetteApi\Authorization\NoAuthorization())


It is good practice to log you api access if you provide valuable information with your API. To enable logging you need to implement class with interface ApiLoggerInterface (Tomaj\NetteApi\Logger\ApiLoggerInterface) and register it as service in config.neon. It will be automatically wired and called after execution of all API requests.

CORS Security

If you need to iteract with your API with Javascript you will need to send correct CORS headers. ApiPresenter has property to set this headers. By default api will send header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' with value ''*. If you need to change it you can set property $corsHeader to values:

  1. 'auto' - send back header Access-Control-Allow-Origin with domain that made request. It is not secure, but you can acces this api from other domains via AJAX
  2. ''* - send header with '*' - this will work fine if you dont need to send cookies via ajax calls to api with jquery $.ajax with xhrFields: { withCredentials: true } settings
  3. 'off' - will not send any CORS header
  4. other - any other value will be send in Access-Control-Allow-Origin header

You can set this property in config.neon if you register ApiPresenter:

    factory: Tomaj\NetteApi\Presenters\ApiPresenter
      - setCorsHeader('auto')

or if you extend ApiPresenter, than you can set it on your own presenter.

WEB console - API tester

Nette-Api contains 2 UI controls that can be used to validate you api. It will generate listing with all API calls and also auto generate form with all api params.

All components generate bootstrap html and can be styled with bootstrap css:

You have to create components in your controller:

use Nette\Application\UI\Presenter;
use Tomaj\NetteApi\ApiDecider;
use Tomaj\NetteApi\Component\ApiConsoleControl;
use Tomaj\NetteApi\Component\ApiListingControl;
use Tomaj\NetteApi\Link\ApiLink;

class MyPresenter extends Presenter
    private $apiDecider;

    private $apiLink;

    private $method;
    private $version;
    private $package;
    private $apiAction;

    public function __construct(ApiDecider $apiDecider, ApiLink $apiLink = null)
        $this->apiDecider = $apiDecider;
        $this->apiLink = $apiLink;

    public function renderShow(string $method, int $version, string $package, ?string $apiAction = null): void
        $this->method = $method;
        $this->version = $version;
        $this->package = $package;
        $this->apiAction = $apiAction;

    protected function createComponentApiListing(): ApiListingControl
        $apiListing = new ApiListingControl($this->apiDecider);
        $apiListing->onClick[] = function ($method, $version, $package, $apiAction) {
            $this->redirect('show', $method, $version, $package, $apiAction);
        return $apiListing;

    protected function createComponentApiConsole()
        $api = $this->apiDecider->getApi($this->method, $this->version, $this->package, $this->apiAction);
        $apiConsole = new ApiConsoleControl($this->getHttpRequest(), $api->getEndpoint(), $api->getHandler(), $api->getAuthorization(), $this->apiLink);
        return $apiConsole;


If your apache server is runing on CGI or fastCGI script, $_SERVER['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] is empty. You'll need to do some mod_rewrite wizardry to get your headers past the CGI barrier, like so:

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule .? - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization}]`

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


$ composer test


Please see CONTRIBUTING and CONDUCT for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information

  • 2.1.0 2.1.0


    • Rewritten ApiPresenter


    • Added API rate limit
    • Added custom headers to API console
    • Added field for timeout to API console
    • OpenAPI handler
    • Information about RESTful urls


    • Fixed sending empty string in multi params
    • UrlEncoding values sending through get param inputs
    • Fixed static url part /api/ in console
    • Fixed generating urls in console for RESTful urls using ApiLink and EndpointInterface
  • 2.0.0


    • Updated nette libs to version 3.0.0 (BC break)
    • Added typehints (BC break)
    • Splitted InputParam to multiple subclasses (BC break)
    • Removed type TYPE_POST_JSON_KEY (BC break)
    • Wrong input now returns code 400 instead of 500 (BC break if somebody checks return code)
    • Replaced handler information array triplet (endpoint, handler, authorization) with class Api (BC break for API console usage)
    • Renamed some methods from ApiDecider (BC break)
    • Pretty JSON output in API console - without escaping unicode and slashes


    • Added type JsonInputParam with scheme as replacement for type TYPE_POST_JSON_KEY
    • Detailed error for wrong input if debugger is enabled
    • Added summary (short description), description, tags and deprecated flag for API handlers
    • Added description, default value and example for input params
    • Added output validator


    • Removed support for PHP 5.6, 7.0 and hhvm (BC Break)
    • Removed deprecated class ApiResponse (BC Break)
  • 1.10.0 Added X-Requested-With to Cors handler

    • Added X-Requested-With to Cors handler
  • 1.9.1 Added possibility to send empty fields via console request

    • Added possibility to send empty fields via console request
  • 1.11.0 Custom OPTIONS handler

    • ability to set custom handlers for OPTIONS request
  • 1.8.1 1.8.1

    • Updated league/fractal library to 0.14.0
  • 1.9.0 1.9.0

    • PUT type for InputType
  • 1.8.0 1.8.0

    • Added cors headers - Access-Control-Allow-Headers and Access-Control-Allow-Methods
  • 1.7.0 1.7.0

    • Added cors preflight headers for javascript requests
  • 1.6.2 1.6.2

    • InputParam validation of multi params, if available values are defined
  • 1.6.1 1.6.1

    • Fixed Nette 2.4 compatibility
    • End of support for php < 5.6
    • Service of type Tomaj\NetteApi\Misc\IpDetectorInterface is no more required if service of type Tomaj\NetteApi\Logger\ApiLoggerInterface is not configured and used
    • Service of type Tomaj\NetteApi\Logger\ApiLoggerInterface need not be named "apiLogger"
  • 1.6.0 1.6.0

    • Added Content-Length header to Json and Xml responses
  • 1.5.0 1.5.0

    • ApiPresenter: getRequestDomain() returns port as well
    • Updated JsonApiResponse - separate charset from content type as changed in nette/application 2.3.12
    • Also change nette/application minimal version to 2.3.12
  • 1.4.0 1.4.0

    • changed rendering in API console when available values are set
    • fixed negative values for response time in API web console
  • 1.3.0 Error reporting with Tracy

    • added tracy for error logging from ApiPresenter
    • added tests for ApiPresenter
  • 1.2.0 New Input Types

    New ability to send new input types:

    • send RAW POST data
    • send COOKIES
    • send FILEs

    more info in readme section Inputs
    all new types are available in test console for easy testing api calls

  • 1.1.0 Added CORS Support

    • Added CORS support to ApiPresenter. Available options:
      • 'auto' - send back header Access-Control-Allow-Origin with domain that made request
      • '*' - send header with '*' - this will work fine if you dont need to send cookies via ajax calls to api with jquery $.ajax with xhrFields: { withCredentials: true } settings
      • 'off' - will not send any CORS header
      • other - any other value will be send in Access-Control-Allow-Origin header
    • Rewritten few internal functions
  • 1.0.1 Fixed array parsing

    Fixed parsing array variables from GET and POST when using multi InputParam

  • 1.0.0 First stable version

    First version that can be used for api. Contains

    1. Authorization
    2. Handling api request
    3. Logging
    4. UI Control for api listing
    5. UI Control for web console to test api endpoints
    6. Api versioning




php (>= 7.1.0)
ext-curl (*)
ext-json (*)
ext-session (*)
ext-filter (*)


Componette Componette