


vcernik / easy-translations 1.1

Converting translation NEON files to Excel and back (Excel to NEON)

download-cloud-line composer require vcernik/easy-translations

Easy Translations

Converting translation NEON files to Excel and back (Excel to NEON)


To install the latest version of vcernik/easy-translations use Composer.

composer require vcernik/easy-translations

Converting NEON files to Excel

You can convert to .xlsx or .csv file (it depends just on extension).

use vcernik\EasyTranslations\EasyTranslations;
EasyTranslations::NeonToExcel('FOLDER WITH NEON FILES','output.xlsx');

Converting Excel to NEON

You can convert from .xlsx or .csv file (it depends just on extension).

use vcernik\EasyTranslations\EasyTranslations;
EasyTranslations::ExcelToNeon('input.xlsx','OUTPUT FOLDER');

In case of empty strings, by default it will not generate empty line in neon file. You can change it by this:

EasyTranslations::ExcelToNeon('input.xlsx','OUTPUT FOLDER', true);
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