Cool tool for extracting gettext phrases from PHP files and templates.
Dependencies are installed with composer. You can use these commands:
$ curl -s | php
$ php composer.phar install
To add GettextExtractor into your project, add to composer.json
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": ""
and run composer require --dev webwings/gettext/extractor
php console.php [options]
-h display this help and exit
e.g.: php console.php extract:pot -l outup/log.txt output.pot path/to/extract
- .php
- .latte (Nette Latte templates)
GettextExtractor is licensed under the New BSD License.
- 2009 Karel Klima
- 2010 Ondřej Vodáček
- 2018 Jiří Dorazil