Cron job scheduler - with locks, parallelism and more
Exceptions designed for static analysis and easy usage
Strict PHP coding standard
Raw data mapping to validated objects
Tracy got an angry pet to remind you of your failures
Authentication and authorization
Human-readable cron expressions
Orisai Scheduler (cron scheduler) integration for Nette
Configure your Nette application
Provides current time for runtime and controllable time for testing
Monolog logger integration for Nette
Template for PHP libraries
Symfony Console integration for Nette
Load and save data from and to various data formats
[WIP] orisai/object-mapper extension for nextras/orm
Orisai Object Mapper integration for Nette
Generate, validate and serialize source maps
Extras for nette/http
Orisai Auth integration for Nette
Extras for nette/mail
Interface for translator and translatable messages
GitHub Actions reusable workflows and composed actions
Orisai Clock and Symfony Clock integration for Nette
Interface for orisai/object-mapper mapped objects
PHP reflection in more reliable and deterministic way - for declarative engines
Orisai Data Sources integration for Nette
Monolog handler for Logtail