Sending emails with pleasure and prepared templates.
Extension for Nette Framework: Easy & object-oriented way of sending & logging mails
✉️ BulkGate SMS PHP SDK - The complete package for fast integration to PHP projects. Built-in support for Nette framework. Simplify your work.…
Extra contrib to nette/mail (@nette)
Email address value object.
Mandrill API library with Message class implementation like in Nette framework
Simple PHP IMAP wrapper
Addon for catch mails in Nette to filesystem and showing it in debug bar.
Automation tool for e-mail distribution, queue management and advanced logging.
ZURB Foundation for Emails with Inky markup integration into Nette framework.
💌 Simple PHP SDK for sending SMS/Viber via BulkGate portal.
Email address type for Doctrine.
Sendgrid integration for Nette mailer
Implementation of Nette\IMailer for Mailgun PHP SDK.
Extras for nette/mail
Converter Mail message to Doctrine entity.
Nette extension for MailerLite API
Support send mail in nette application.
Util for check Nette mail message by spamassassin
Abandoned, use php-mail-client/client