


slepic / psr-http-message-tracy-panel 0.3.3

A panel for Tracy, that traces PSR HTTP messages travelling between your PHP backend and other HTTP servers.

download-cloud-line composer require slepic/psr-http-message-tracy-panel

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A panel for Tracy, that traces PSR HTTP messages travelling between your PHP backend and other HTTP servers.

Tracy Panel

Tracy Bar


PHP ^5.6 or ^7.0


Install with composer:

composer require --dev slepic/psr-http-message-tracy-panel


Basicaly you just need to:

For complete usage exaple see this example!

And of course it is super simple to register the panel in Nette's DI as described here.



  • Improved readme
  • Removed dependency on tracy as it is dependent indirectly (through slepic/teplated-tracy-bar-panel).
  • Fixed dependecies to a versioned revision instead of just latest commit to master.
  • Changed travis setup to only run tests in oldest and newest php versions supported by this package (that is 5.6 and 7.3).



  • Added support for transfer duration
  • Improved panel layout
  • 0.3.3

  • 0.3.2 Allow PHP8

  • 0.3.1 0.3.1

    • Improved readme
    • Removed dependency on tracy as it is dependent indirectly (through slepic/teplated-tracy-bar-panel).
    • Fixed dependecies to a versioned revision instead of just latest commit to master.
    • Changed travis setup to only run tests in oldest and newest php versions supported by this package (that is 5.6 and 7.3).
  • 0.3.0

    Removed class PsrHttpMessagePanel
    Now using Factory to create TemplatedBarPanel instance.
    Replaced namespace Slepic\Psr by package slepic/http-transfer
    Replace guzzle support by package slepic/guzzle-http-observing-middleware

  • 0.2.0

    Transfer duration tracking support.
    Improved layout.

  • 0.1.0

    Initial release.

Componette Componette