Doctrine 2 ORM integration into Nette Framework
Integration of Symfony/Translation into Nette Framework
Events for Nette Framework
Redis storage for Nette Framework
Symfony Console integration for Kdyby components
[DEPRECATED] Use instead
Wkhtmltopdf PHP wrapper (
[ABANDONED] Nette forms renderer with bootstrap
Integration of php-amqplib with RabbitMq and Nette Framework
Integration of Monolog into Nette Framework
[ABANDONED] use guzzlehttp/guzzle instead
Syntax sugar for working with services in Nette Framework
[DEPRECATED] Use instead
Integration of Elastica for ElasticSearch into Nette Framework
[DEPRECATED] Use instead
AOP for Nette Framework Dependency Injection Container
Doctrine 2 Cache integration into Nette Framework
[DEPRECATED] Client library for ČSOB Payment Gateway eAPI 1.5+
Doctrine Annotations integration into Nette Framework
FakeSession for Nette Framework
Integration of Symfony/Validator into Nette Framework
[DEPRECATED] Integration of Kdyby/CsobPaymentGateway into Nette Framework
Nette console commands for running application in php builtin server.