CSRF protection for Nette Framework presenters' signals.
Google reCAPTCHA (security) for Nette Framework \ Forms
Allows definition of multiple authentication ways with unified API (for Nette Framework)
Integration of Doctrine entities implementing IIdentity in Nette 2.1+
Opauth package for Nette framework
Two-factor authenticator via Google Authenticator app.
Integration of The League of Extraordinary Packages' OAuth 2.0 Server into Nette Framework - base package
Simple permission checker for Nette Framework (2.4+)
The LDAP/Active Directory authenticator plugin for Nette Framework.
Simple Nette ConfiguratorExtension for HTTP authentication
Security annotations for Nette presenters and components.
Honeypot extension for Nette Forms
Authentication and authorization
[DEPRECATED, MOVED to @Symplify] Integration of Firewall and Votres tfrom Symfony\Security to Nette DI
Modular security system for Nette framework
Extra contrib to nette/security (@nette)
Monolog logger integration for Nette
Simple Hash Authenticator for Nette Framework
PHP Debug mode enabler (not only for Nette framework)
Extension for Nette Framework: set user, password and presenters names to secure and they will be secured via simple http authentification
Extras for nette/http
Orisai Auth integration for Nette
Are you tired of authentication while developing your Nette app?
A Psalm plugin, that adds stub files for Nette Framework classes with more precise definition suitable for static analysis.
Nette extension for simply redirecting user to the same url with different schema
Small library for encryption via phpseclib
Security by annotations in Nette.
Google reCAPTCHA extension for Nette Framework
Extension for Nette Framework: NTLM authenticate for authenticator
[DEPRECATED] Extension for authentication and ACL for Nette