Integration of Symfony/Translation into Nette Framework
Events for Nette Framework
Symfony Console integration for Kdyby components
[DEPRECATED due to only 20 downloads per 2 years] Read an article about this idea
[DEPRECATED, MOVED to @Symplify] Integration of Firewall and Votres tfrom Symfony\Security to Nette DI
Nette-based Symfony events for application, presenter, form, latte, templates, security and many others.
Integration of symfony/form to Nette framework.
PhpStorm FileTemplate generator for Nette Framework application using Symfony/Console
Opinionated message bus built on top of symfony/messenger.
Basic integration of Twig to Nette Framework. Used by arachne/forms.
Implementation of Symfony's BrowserKit for Nette applications.
Deprecated in favor of
[DEPRECATED] use contributte/event-dispatcher
[DEPRECATED] use contributte/event-dispatcher
Handling nette/http file uploads. Intended to be used with kdyby/validator and/or arachne/forms.
Integration of symfony/security-csrf to nette/di.
Integration of symfony/expression-language to nette/di.
Integration of symfony/property-access to nette/di.
Simple Symfony Console integration to Nette Framework