Simple tool which helps with maintenance of cron tasks.
Manipulate files over 2GB in PHP on all platforms with byte-precision without headache
Cron job scheduler - with locks, parallelism and more
Allows you to send files to browser from Presenter. (also can be used without Nette) Allows you to log and restrict access to these files. There is…
[DEPRECATED] Nette Framework link factory indepedent of presenter
DNS checker written in PHP to find DNS records and compare it.
Extension for detecting mobile devices, managing mobile view types, redirect to mobile version for Nette Framework (2.4+)
Extra contrib to nette/utils (@nette)
Enables object parameters in nette/application.
Ip address validation and normalization (IPv4 and IPv6)
Integration of Symfony/Validator into Nette Framework
Learn any of your Nette components to understand signals.
🛠 Useful PHP utilities and helpers
Simple one-class lib for separation of NOW resolving.
Flysystem integration for Nette Framework
Orisai Scheduler (cron scheduler) integration for Nette
Configure your Nette application
Simple package for phone number manipulation.
🔌 Register DI services using annotation for @nette
[no maintenance] Parameters provider for Nette
PhpStorm FileTemplate generator for Nette Framework application using Symfony/Console
Parser for YAML, JSON and NEON templates.
Load and save data from and to various data formats
Tool for working with GPS points.
Signal support for form controls
🎯 AOP (Aspect-oriented programming) for Nette Framework (@nette)
Extension for Nette Framework: register all classes within configured directory (blacklist available)
Simple mallgroup/environment adapter for Nette framework
Generate, validate and serialize source maps
Advanced interface for collecting e-mails and sending newsletters.
Registers handlers that run at the end of the request.
Helpers for extracting, validating and type-casting data from environment variables
GitHub Actions reusable workflows and composed actions
Orisai Clock and Symfony Clock integration for Nette
Czech birth number value object.
Rss Channel Generator
[DEPRECATED] use contributte/event-dispatcher
Simple plugin management for Nette framework.
Saving web passage: small util for Nette Framework
Resolvers and iterators over services for nette/di. Used by arachne/forms and other libraries.
Lightweight configuration writer for PHP
Nette console commands for running application in php builtin server.
PHP reflection in more reliable and deterministic way - for declarative engines
Orisai Data Sources integration for Nette
This package is considered abandoned. Helpers for extracting, validating and type-casting data from environment variables
PasswordRecovery Nette extension
Write configuration in XML!
Tools for debugging nette applications
Enables registration of other extensions in config file (for Nette Framework)
Library for easier working with date intervals.
Create files in %tempDir%/tempnam
Collection of various utilities for your PHP project
Log error and exceptions int rabbitmq exchange.
Integration of symfony/expression-language to nette/di.
Integration of symfony/property-access to nette/di.
[DEPRECATED] Use instead.
Useful utility classes
Nette Framework extended paginator with different items count on first page
Parameter casting and validation for Nette Framework
Adds connection from Nette to Ristretto