A Laravel Package to integrate Nette Tracy Debugger
The ultimate debugging and development tool for ProcessWire
Mail panel for Nette framework
Profiler with adapter for Tracy
Annotations Todo panel for Nette 2.0. Displays all todos in any folders set.
Universal logging support to Tracy / Nette Framework (@nette)
Integrates Tracy into Monolog, supports uploading Tracy bluescreens to AWS S3
Tracy panel with installed libraries version
Panel for Nette Framework DebugBar
XDebug Trace panel for Nette 2.0 framework
Complete integration of Monolog as native Tracy logger.
Simple extension for Nette Framework, which integrates into the Debug Bar and enables you to easily start and stop a Xdebug session.
Tuned Tracy Bars/Panels/BlueScreens for easy-developing
Query panel for Tracy php debugger
Nette Sentry logger extension
Chrome extension which opens Nette Framework error page when X-Nette-Error-Log header is set
Tracy got an angry pet to remind you of your failures
A panel for Tracy, that traces PSR HTTP messages travelling between your PHP backend and other HTTP servers.
NavigationPanel for Nette 2.0. Fast navigation for developers.
Debug panel for Nette Framework. Displays presenter and components hiearchy.
🔴 First class integration of Sentry to Nette Framework (@nette)
Log your errors directly into Slack room
Tracy performance panel
[ABANDONED] This is nette implementation of sentry raven-php as logger service for tracy.
Nette MailPanel Extension
Debug bar panel for Nette Framework
Debugger panel for Tracy
A Tracy panel for Twig Template Engine
Panel for Nette Debug bar which quickly tells you which database you use
git panel extension for nette framework
Provides interface to go to any destination within Nette Framework application.
A Tracy panel for visualising Nette application component tree.
A simple class to add RedBeanPHP logged queries to Tracy's debug bar.
Git version panel for Tracy
A Tracy panel for Doctrine SQL queries
☠️ DumpAndDie: Laravel's dd function ported to Nette Tracy
Tracy Bluescreen panel for Guzzle.
Debug panel for Nette Framework and PhpEd (allows enabling/disabling PhpEd debugger)
Tracy extension - for automatic page update through LiveReload
Sentry extension for Nette framework
RolePanel is extension for Nette Framework which change user roles in development mode, where it appears in the debugger bar.
simple bar panel for Tracy
Displays current Git branch on Tracy debug panel
Nette Application Logger for New Relic
Database updator for Nette/Tracy panel