Tracy is a perfect tool for debugging web apps, but as most of the web these days runs on AJAX, the Debugger Bar gets kind of outdated. This is an…
Addition for NetteForms
Very simple and lightweight AJAX implementation for Nette
Modern AJAX library for Nette Framework
Adds History API support to nette.ajax.js addon!
Flexible AJAX for Nette Framework. Supports snippets, redirects etc.
Doctrine Annotations integration into Nette Framework
Syntax sugar for working with services in Nette Framework
Security by annotations in Nette.
Integration of Algolia to Nette framework
Common bank transaction authorizator.
Fio bank payment authorizator
Simple PHP API layer for Heureka.
Simple API interface for editing Doctrine entities.
📝 🌐 Complex library for definition of your structured API endpoint as class with schema.
Automatically generated documentation by parsing of Structured API endpoints.
Simple API wrapper for Vimeo.
Neo4j extension for Nette Framework
Nette Extension for Slim API micro-framework using middlewares.
🆖 Powerful, documented, validated, built-in API to Nette Framework. (@nette)
Document generator for ApiRouter routes - awesome runtime documentation
RESTful router for your API in Nette Framework (@nette). Created either directly or via annotation.
An opinionated and enjoyable API framework based on Nette Framework. Supporting content negotiation, debugging, middlewares, attributes,…
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Debugging tools for Apitte stack
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Symfony\EventDispatcher for Apitte stack. Use contributte/apitte.
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Request mappers, transformers and decorators for Apitte stack. Use contributte/apitte.
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Middlewares support for Apitte stack
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Content-Negotiation support for Apitte stack
💀 [DISCONTINUED] OpenAPI specification for Apitte stack
Fio API integration for Nette Framework
Integrace Gopay pro Nette Framework
GoPay Inline Payment for Nette Framework
💀 [DISCONTINUED] One-class Gopay API library. Use contributte/gopay-inline. for Nette Framework
💎 NewRelic PHP agent integration for Nette Framework (@nette)
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Newrelic Tracy extension for Nette Framework (@nette). Use contributte/newrelic.
🐰 RabbitMQ (AMQP, STOMP, MQTT) using BunnyPHP for Nette Framework (@nette).
Port of ThePay library
Zomato api client for Nette
Propel 2 extension for Nette framework
Spot2 extension for Nette framework
Itegration of elasticsearch/elasticsearch into Nette framework
Generic JSON-RPC v2 implementation
Download information about companies from ARES, PSR-17/18 ready
ČNB, ECB, RB exchange rates, fiat exchange, built-in cache, expandable for other banks, PSR-7, 17, 18
Read and send payment order for FIO bank, PSR-17 ready
Nette bridge for PayU API
PayPal payment buttons component for Nette Framework
Facebook Connect for nette
Flickr API client with authorization for Nette Framework
Twitter API client with authorization for Nette Framework
Geoip API for nette framework
[ABANDONED] use guzzlehttp/guzzle instead
Integration of Elastica for ElasticSearch into Nette Framework
[DEPRECATED] Use instead
[DEPRECATED] Use instead
[DEPRECATED] Use instead
Integration of Monolog into Nette Framework
Integration of php-amqplib with RabbitMq and Nette Framework
⚡ PHP client for the Google Closure Compiler API in one file.
Simple Twitter addon for Nette Framework
PayPal integration for Nette framework
Opauth package for Nette framework
Deprecated in favor of:
Nette framework extension for Github API easy access
Nette integration of's API.
REST route for Nette Framework. Automatically maps REST actions to Presenters and actions in the defined module.
Lightweight API for YouTube (Google API v3)
Slim Framework bridge for Nette DI
Czech names and surnames greeting generator API PHP wrapper.
Monolog handler for Logtail
Raw data mapping to validated objects
Nette service for comunication with ELMS distribution service (
Nette JSONP Response Extension
IQRF Cloud API wrapper for Nette Framework
Library for sending SMS PHP library supporting SOAP and REST API + custom Label generator
PayPal basic library and Nette component
Nette extension for Skautis library
Send and receive SMS with PHP
Build REST APIs with Nette Framework
API solution for Nette framework with interactive generated console for each api
Nette DI Extension for predis/predis
Autoregisters extensions downloaded via Composer
Framework agnostic Open api generator from phpdoc and php type hints
📂 Intergration of Symfony's Assets component into Nette Framework
Assets manager for Nette
Extension for auto-copying assets or any other files to your project.
Composer plugin for copying of frontend assets into public directory.
Extension for loading static CSS and JS files for Nette Framework
Nette Framework addon for CSS and JS files loading
Tool for loading CSS and JS files from into web pages.
📦 Simple, easy to use, php bundler for javascript and css.
Asset macro for Latte and Nette Framework for assets cache busting.
Simple utility to connect nette apps with vite
JavaScript client-side library to use with the Nette framework
Component for generating beuty and corect html header with included AssetsCollector.
Sprockets directive plugin (filter) for janmarek/webloader
A lightweight Assetic integration in Nette Framework
Integration of @symfony/webpack-encore into Nette project.
📦 @webpack adapter for @nette framework
🔒 A simple library for processing and clearing locks in your PHP application.
🐰 RabbitMQ (AMQP, STOMP, MQTT) using BunnyPHP for Nette Framework (@nette).
Simple reservation system.
Calendar component for Nette Framework
A nette-bootstrap-datepicker based on (original from Stefan Petre's…
📅 Extending DateTime for Nette framework.
A component for Nette - calendar with events
Smart admin bar with simple interface for CMS.
🛠️ Simple smart CMS for Nette and Vue.js
Basic static page editor.
Starter template for Nette projects with custom CMS
Simple and modular content management system based on Nette framework
Tuned & very strict coding standards for PHP projects
Quality assurance for your PHP projects
Strict PHP coding standard
Slevomat Coding Standard for PHP_CodeSniffer provides many useful sniffs
Visual Paginator for Nette Framework.
Simple Nette BreadCrumb component
🚀 Smart asset loader for Nette framework.
Find all classes in specific directory.
A simple PHP library for rendering content with components.
Smart Heureka feed adapter.
Renders the complete valid header HTML content based on MetaBuilder.
📦 Smart package manager for search and merge Composer dependencies.
Feature toggler extension for Nette Framewrok
Nette Framework addon for CSS and JS files loading
SEO components for Nette framework
Favorites module in Doctrine for Nette framework
Doctrine labels module for Nette framework
🍔 Menu and breadcrumb components for Nette framework (@nette)
📦 Webpack adapter for Nette Framework (@nette)
[DEPRECATED] Menu and breadcrumb components for Nette framework
[DEPRECATED] Flash message component for Nette Framework
[DEPRECATED] Title component for Nette
Multiple rendering modes for Control hierarchical structure with AJAX support.
Add-On for
Pre-designed input tags component for Nette framework
Gravatar creator for Nette Framework (2.4+)
Extension for creating confirm action dialogs for various items for Nette Framework (2.4+)
Flash messages handler for Nette Framework (2.4+)
Visual paginator for Nette Framework
EventCalendar - komponenta pro Nette - kalendář událostí
jsMin and cssMin adapter to
Nette PSR storage adapter
Bridge between RoadRunner and Nette Framework
Tokenizer that can convert string (user input / LaTeX) to numbers and operators.
File generator engine that can generate PHP files from JSON/YAML/NEON templates.
Enhanced CompilerExtension for Nette Framework
ItemsPerPage for Nette Framework
Sorting control for Nette Framework
Nette control for managing meta data in HTML header.
Simple book component with list of chapters/pages and links to previous and next chapter/page
Form components for Nette Framework (architecture & UI components)
Map picker and map control using API for Nette
Simple progress bar control for Nette Framework
Trait for asynchronous control rendering
DataTree: Tree data-structure component for Nette Framework
Nette Framework Control for rendering tweets
Addon to display confirmation dialog in Nette webapplications
[ABADONED] This plugin helps to create galleries of photos.
Library for easier price calculation using VAT and discount.
OpenStreetMap for Nette Framework
Integrates KnpMenu to Nette framework
🔩 Create smart UI components for @nette
Easy integration of Symfony Console into Nette framework.
Nette console compiler extension
🐰 RabbitMQ (AMQP, STOMP, MQTT) using BunnyPHP for Nette Framework (@nette).
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Provide HTTP settings in CLI mode for Nette Framework (@nette). Use contributte/http.
Best minimal console (symfony/console) to Nette Framework (@nette)
Nette-based console commands for latte, DIC, MVC, security, utils and many others.
Simple Symfony Console integration to Nette Framework
Symfony Console integration for Kdyby components
Version updates checker for your composer package requirements
Extension for database migration for application build with Nette Framework
📚 Doctrine integration to Nette Framework. Simple interface, easy to use, best performance, top compatibility.
Nette document manager compiler extension
Nette monolog compiler extension
Addressable module for Nette framework and Doctrine
Extra contrib to nette/database (@nette)
Doctrine Fixtures for Nette Framework
Doctrine Migrations for Nette Framework
Tiny Elastica integration into Nette Framework (@nette)
Rich Nextras\ORM entity generator for fast prototyping your new project.
Query-objects for Nextras ORM
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Nested Transaction for Nette Database (@nette). Use contributte/database.
Redis (predis) for Nette Framework (@nette)
[READ-ONLY] Nelmio\Alice integration to Nette
[DEPRECATED] use arachne/entity-loader instead
[DEPRECATED] Use Phinx instead
Highly configurable typed entity generator from database. It can generate entities for whole database, table/view and from queries
Highly customizable (typed) entity generator from database. It can generate entities for whole database, table/view and from raw SQL query
Statically typed table gate with support for composite fields, arrays and more from PostgreSQL.
[DISCONTINUED] Experimental version of mibk/LeanMapperQuery
Universal database schema generator from entities and more.
Lean Mapper extension for Nette
An extension for Lean Mapper (tiny ORM over dibi)
Concept of Query Object for LeanMapper
Database Phinx-like migration runner and generator using Joseki/Console
Doctrine 2 ORM integration into Nette Framework
Doctrine 2 Cache integration into Nette Framework
Redis storage for Nette Framework
Database updator for Nette/Tracy panel
Concept of Query Object for LeanMapper
Database Abstraction Layer – concise secure API to construct queries & fetch data
Powerful database migrations focused on reliability
Orm with clean object design, smart relationship loading and powerful collections.
Lean Mapper is a tiny ORM based on powerful Dibi database abstraction library for PHP.
Statict DB conventions overwrite for Nette
Lightweight ORM for Nette\Database
Nette extension for UniMapper
NetteDatabase Storage
FTP deployment (by @dg) extension for Nette Framework (@nette).
Persistence utils like transaction objects.
Additional integrations of Doctrine to Kdyby and Arachne packages.
Simple integration of Doctrine EventManager to Nette framework.
Autoload services to nette container
Addressable module for Nette framework and Doctrine
Favorites module in Doctrine for Nette framework
Doctrine labels module for Nette framework
Standalone Doctrine Annotations for Nette Framework
Doctrine Cache adapter for Nette Framework
Well-integrated Doctrine DBAL for Nette Framework (@nette)
Doctrine Atlantic18/DoctrineExtensions extension for Nette Framework (@nette)
Well-integrated Doctrine ORM for Nette Framework
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Convert Doctrine entity to array and conversely. Use @contributte.
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Enhanced PHPdoc annotations for Nette Framework (@nette). Use nettrine/annotations.
Manage users via Symfony Console and Doctrine ORM on command line
[READ-ONLY] Nelmio\Alice integration to Nette
[DEPRECATED] use arachne/entity-loader instead
[DEPRECATED] Use Phinx instead
Lightweight Doctrine integration extension for Nette framework.
CRUD functions in Doctrine2 for Nette Framework (3.0+)
Doctrine 2 ORM integration into Nette Framework
Doctrine 2 Cache integration into Nette Framework
A Tracy panel for Doctrine SQL queries
Integration of Doctrine entities implementing IIdentity in Nette 2.1+
Czech birth number type for Doctrine.
This package is considered obsolete and abandoned. Consistence Enum types for Doctrine.
Doctrine ORM integration for nepada/message-bus
Phone number type for Doctrine.
Implementation of DoctrineExtensions into Nette Framework.
👁️ Propel 2 ORM integration (extension) for Nette 2.4 with Tracy debugger panel. Supports all configuration features from Propel.
Query collection executed as one query
[no maintenance] use nettrine/hydrator instead
Nettrine Migrations and Fixtures for Mango Tester
Really simple events dispatcher for Nette Framework
The WordPress hook system in classic (pure) PHP
A group of intelligent DI services that provide disk paths to important locations such as tempDir, wwwDir, vendorDir, logDir and other system…
Extra contrib to nette/application (@nette)
Extra contrib to nette/bootstrap (@nette)
Extra contrib to nette/caching (@nette)
Extra contrib to nette/di (@nette)
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Ultra easy-to-use event system for Nette Framework (@nette). Use contributte/event-dispatcher.
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Symfony Event Dispatcher and Nette Application (@nette) bridge. Use contributte/event-dispatcher-extra.
Best events support (symfony/event-dispatcher) to Nette Framework (@nette)
🐰 RabbitMQ (AMQP, STOMP, MQTT) using BunnyPHP for Nette Framework (@nette).
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Nette DI container servicer autoloader for Nette Framework (@contributte). Use contributte/di.
[DEPRECATED] use contributte/event-dispatcher
[DEPRECATED due to only 20 downloads per 2 years] Read an article about this idea
SimpleBus integration into Nette Framework.
Nette Fakerino extension
💸 Client for electronic records of sales
Automatic registration and configuration of services for Nette DI
GraphQL syntax parser and sender for nette or normal use in PHP
Nette extension for Apache Kafka
Doctrine Annotations integration into Nette Framework
AOP for Nette Framework Dependency Injection Container
Syntax sugar for working with services in Nette Framework
Events for Nette Framework
Integration of into Nette Framework
Nette Framework DI extension for injecting services into services' properties
Nette extension for export xml feeds (zbozi, heureka)
A Nette extension for the AWS SDK for PHP
Workflow manager for PHP
Integration of nepada/message-bus into Nette Framework.
Orisai Object Mapper integration for Nette
Lazy services for Nette Framework
Rollbar integration for Nette framework
simple Nette app for reading posts from Facebook wall
Tiny Facebook SDK 5.x integration to Nette Framework
FB pixel extension for nette framework
Implementation of the Messenger Platform in a PHP.
Implementation of the Messenger Platform in a PHP.
Facebook Connect for nette
Form Renderer for Nette Framework and Bootstrap.
Integration of symfony/security-csrf to nette/di.
Integration of symfony/form to Nette framework.
Material design for Nette/Forms
🆙 File uploads on steroids for Nette Framework (@nette). Implements blueimp/jquery-file-upload.
Extra contrib to nette/forms (@nette)
👾 Bootstrap 4 + 5 forms for Nette framework
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Inputs, controls and extensions for Nette Forms (@nette). Use contributte/forms.
Form multiplier & replicator for Nette Framework
Easy to use step-by-step form for Nette Framework
Image storage for Nette framework
Nice client-side live form validation for Nette Forms.
Google reCAPTCHA (security) for Nette Framework \ Forms
Seznam captcha (security) for Nette Framework \ Forms
Bootstrap 4 forms for Nette framework
A flexible select input for nette/forms package with capability to generate tailored scripts, namely Select2.
Flexible date (and time) picker for Nette Framework
Plupload component for Nette Framework
Forms mapping of Doctrine ORM entities for Nette Framework
Forms control for adding date, date&time and time fields for Nette Framework forms
Forms control for adding phone filed for Nette Framework (2.3+)
Forms control for adding slug filed for Nette Framework (2.4+)
Nette form manager for Doctrine entity
Quickly setup and render nice Bootstrap 5 forms for Nette framework
Upload more files at once using Nette Forms. More front-end interfaces available. (fallback between them is available)
🚫 Nette AntiSpam form control.
[ABANDONED] Nette forms renderer with bootstrap
Form Component for Nette framework
Google reCAPTCHA extension for Nette Framework
Addition for NetteForms
DependentSelectBox control for Nette Framework
Nette forms plugin to use Select2
Date/DateTime control for Nette Framework forms
Phone number control for Nette Framework forms
Autocomplete text input for Nette forms.
Czech birth number form input for Nette forms.
Email address form input for Nette forms.
Phone number form input for Nette forms.
[DEPRECATED] Form controls for Nette Framework
Form extension for Nette framework which implement
Upload manager for Nette framework
Naseptavac pro Nette / Suggester for Nette
DatePicker and DateTimePicker Input Control
ImageSelectBox Input Control
Turns the default alert-based client-side form validation to nice live validation
A nette-bootstrap-datepicker based on (original from Stefan Petre's…
Ext form controls for nette, DateInput, MultiUpload, and latte macros.
Select, which load options from remote.
Nette bootstrap forms renderer
DateInput for Nette Framework
Select2 input for Nette
Extension for Nette Framework: Some of form controls modified (no-translate select box options, checkbox list, changeable label text input, etc)
reCAPTCHA for Nette Framework
Twitter bootstrap optimized forms for Nette Framework
Form renderer for Nette - TwitterBootstrap v5 and v4
Form component for Nette Framework supporting all HTML 5 date inputs.
Form control for picking coordinates (for Nette Framework)
Alternative RadioList & CheckboxList for Nette Framework
Typeahead (twitter/typeahead.js) for Nette framework 3.0
🔗 Dependent select box component for @nette forms
Controls for nette forms
[no maintenance] use nettrine/hydrator instead
Honeypot extension for Nette Forms
Add support of pair latte macro "button" for render form control SubmitButton as . It can be useful for Twitter bootstrap design.
Convert any PHP entity to TypeScript.
Grunt plugin to update paths for concat, uglify and cssmin where is nette variable $basePath
Asset macro for Latte and Nette Framework for assets cache busting.
[DISCONTINUED] Grunt plugin for Nette Tester
Sandbox project using Nette Framework and AngularJS.
EventCalendar - komponenta pro Nette - kalendář událostí
[DEPRECATED] Use instead
Deprecated in favor of:
Not a grid for Nette framework
DataGrid for Nette Framework: filtering, sorting, pagination, tree view, table view, translator, etc
💀 [DISCONTINUED] ElasticSearch data source for contributte/datagrid. Use contributte/datagrid.
Nette\Database data source for ublaboo/datagrid
DataGrid for Nette Framework
Datagrid pro Nette a jQuery UI
Jednoduchá komponenta (Datagrid) pro vykreslování seznamů v Nette.
Nextras Datagrid component for Nette Framework.
Grido - DataGrid for Nette Framework
DataGrid control is a data bound list control that displays the items from datasource in a table. The DataGrid control allows you to select, sort,…
File list control for Nette
TwiGrid - datagrid built on top of Nette Framework
The straightforward HTTP client.
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Provide HTTP settings in CLI mode for Nette Framework (@nette). Use contributte/http.
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Serve data and files on-the-fly as response to Nette Framework (@nette). Use contributte/application.
Extra contrib to nette/http (@nette)
Middlewares / Relay / PSR-7 support to Nette Framework (@nette)
PSR #7 [HTTP Message Interface] to Nette Framework (@nette)
Nette integration for HTTPlug
FakeSession for Nette Framework
Learn more at
Implementation of Symfony's BrowserKit for Nette applications.
CSRF protection for Nette Framework presenters' signals.
Symfony Console integration for Nette
Client library for electronic record of sales (EET)
Simple Nette ConfiguratorExtension for HTTP authentication
Non-I/O blocking SessionHandler implementation using Nette/Caching
Neon language support for PhpStorm / IntelliJ IDEA
Nette support in PhpStorm - Develop Nette with pleasure
Latte plugin for IntelliJ IDEA platform
PhpStorm plugin that generates Nette factory interfaces
Nette Tester integration into PhpStorm.
This package will help you to implement cloud services such as thumbor and more.
Full automatic ImageGenerator for creating dynamic content by URL
Company logos created in pure CSS.
Image storage for Nette Framework
Images manager for Nette framework
🏞 Image library for Nette Framework (@nette)
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Serve and resize images on-the-fly for Nette Framework (@nette). Use contributte/image-storage.
On-the-fly generated web images for your Nette app
A tool for working with images.
Simple image storage for Nette
Images handler for Nette Framework (2.4+)
The library for manage images and thumbnails. Library uses ImageMagick in command line.
An on-demand image handling and manipulation library also for generating, saving and fetching images and thumbnails.
High Performance Image Storage Library for PHP 7
Manage and provide files and images in Nette. On-the-fly generated images thumbnails for your Nette app. Very inspired (and copy) from dotBlue (http:…
php-exif-tools is a simple library for manipulate (read and write) with the EXIF meta-data of an image.
PHP client for the Tinify API.
A Nette extension for the AWS SDK for PHP
Image storage for Nette Framework
Intergration of Symfony's Webpack Encore into Nette Framework
Markdown filter to Latte
Extra contrib to nette/latte (@nette)
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Protect your email addresses in Latte template engine. Use contributte/latte.
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Simple string formatter for Latte. Use contributte/utils.
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Parsedown parser for Latte template engine. Use contributte/latteparsedown-extra.
Parsedown (markdown) template parser for Nette \ Latte (@nette)
Public asset files loader
Manual rendering of Nette forms made easy.
[READ-ONLY] Nette extension for modular Latte filters
Nette extension for develop css and js files, automatically invalid browser cache in production mode.
Extension support unlimited date filters for Latte.
Exchange extension for Nette framework.
Few addons for Nette framework
Latte plugin for IntelliJ IDEA platform
🍩 The best, highly customizable HTML preprocessor with many amazing features
Asset macro for Latte and Nette Framework for assets cache busting.
Placeholder replacement Latte macro provides simple way to put the content of variables into the right places.
Cache busting Latte tag.
Latte template based form renderer for Nette forms with full support for Bootstrap 3, 4 & 5.
This package is considered obsolete and abandoned. Latte powered template factory on steroids.
Latte |filter supporting filtering.
☕️ Extra filters for Latte (@nette) templating engine
🌎 Internationalization and localization your app with a minimum effort
Country management package with Doctrine entities and flag (🏳️🌈) support.
Translate texts. Simply.
Common package for language manipulation
Nette extension for Translator
Translations (symfony/translation) to Nette Framework (@nette)
Localizable templates with smooth setup in Nette Framework
Translator supported native gettext
Extracts gettext phrases from PHP files and Nette Framework templates
Integration of Symfony/Translation into Nette Framework
Simple implementation of \Nette\Localization\ITranslator interface. Just print the key as is. Usefull when you have no time for managing gettext…
Proper way how to load translator into the presenters and controls template in the Nette framework based applications
Easy translating of PHP applications
Human-readable cron expressions
Interface for translator and translatable messages
High Performance Localization Component for PHP 7
Gettext Translator is tool that enables simple and user friendly translation of your texts via panel in debug bar.
Nette adapter for PHP implementation of Project Fluent.
Converting translation NEON files to Excel and back (Excel to NEON)
LiveTranslator is tool for Nette Framework that enables translation of your texts via panel in debug bar.
Extracts gettext phrases from PHP files and Nette Framework templates
gettext translator for Nette templates
📔 Manage @nette app translations on per namespace basis
l10n translator for Nette with simple panel for Tracy
Easy connection between Tracy and Sentry.
Best logging support into Nette Framework (@nette)
📝 Monolog discord handler for Nette Framework with tracy dump file attachments
Converter Mail message to Doctrine entity.
Automation tool for e-mail distribution, queue management and advanced logging.
💌 Simple PHP SDK for sending SMS/Viber via BulkGate portal.
✉️ BulkGate SMS PHP SDK - The complete package for fast integration to PHP projects. Built-in support for Nette framework. Simplify your work.…
Simple PHP IMAP wrapper
Extra contrib to nette/mail (@nette)
Sending emails with pleasure and prepared templates.
Mandrill API library with Message class implementation like in Nette framework
Abandoned, use php-mail-client/client
Sendgrid integration for Nette mailer
Email address value object.
Email address type for Doctrine.
Nette extension for MailerLite API
Implementation of Nette\IMailer for Mailgun PHP SDK.
Extras for nette/mail
Addon for catch mails in Nette to filesystem and showing it in debug bar.
ZURB Foundation for Emails with Inky markup integration into Nette framework.
Support send mail in nette application.
Util for check Nette mail message by spamassassin
Extension for Nette Framework: Easy & object-oriented way of sending & logging mails
Navigation component for Nette and more
Simple menu component for Nette applications
Simple tool which generates menu, links and titles of pages.
Menu and breadcrumb components for Nette framework
Nette modules on the Steroids
Simple solution for managing packages in Nette framework
Simple package for user-defined configuration by robust interface.
Simple bckp/environment adapter for Nette framework
Collection of useful scripts for manipulaton with NEON files. Support composer pre-install / post-install events. Set/get parameters,…
Automatically register all found classes into DIC
NEON decoder and encoder for JavaScript
Monolog integration to Nette Framework (@nette)
🛠 Lightweight utilities for string & array manipulation, image handling, safe JSON encoding/decoding, validation, slug or strong password generating…
Provides current time for runtime and controllable time for testing
Simple interactive worker for doing hard jobs. Inspired by
Doctrine-like events for Nextras ORM
💡 Eloquent Bridge for Nette Framework
The only PHP & MySQL ORM for Continuous Delivery. Using javanile/moldable can eliminate the step of data migrations and schema changes, often manual…
Doctrine 2 ORM integration into Nette Framework
Extensions for Nextras\Orm stack
Simple lightweight ORM
Orm with clean object design, smart relationship loading and powerful collections.
Lean Mapper is a tiny ORM based on powerful Dibi database abstraction library for PHP.
Lightweight ORM for Nette\Database
Smart package for currency rate manipulation, data are from ČNB.
GoPay Inline Payment for Nette Framework
Generate new variable symbol by last variable and selected strategy.
💰 GopayAPI SDK [Unofficial]
ThePay integration for Nette Framework
Nette extension for Fio.
[DEPRECATED] Integration of Kdyby/CsobPaymentGateway into Nette Framework
[DEPRECATED] Client library for ČSOB Payment Gateway eAPI 1.5+
GPWebPay as Nette Extension
Nette service for comunication with ELMS distribution service (
Client library for CSOB card payment gateway
Latte |qrcode supporting.
payment gateway
📮 PDF toolbox for Nette Framework using mPDF
🖨️ Generate PDFs in Nette Framework using mPDF
Project that generates PDF from HTML template. Project can be integrated into Nette-based project as PresenterResponse.
Wkhtmltopdf PHP wrapper (
Component for generating invoices using Nette Framework and mPDF library.
Integration of basic metrics for Newrelic into Nette.
Project for monitoring all errors and exceptions files across Nette projects
PSR-6 Bridge for Nette Caching
🐰 RabbitMQ (AMQP, STOMP, MQTT) using BunnyPHP for Nette Framework (@nette).
📮 PDF toolbox for Nette Framework using mPDF
Feed Generator for Nette and more.
Project that generates PDF from HTML template. Project can be integrated into Nette-based project as PresenterResponse.
Text as file response for Nette Framework
Spreadsheet Nette responses.
CsvResponse For Nette Framewrok
Some more or less useful responses for Nette Framework
Nette CSV response
Simple sitemap generator with robust and performance implementation.
Document generator for ApiRouter routes - awesome runtime documentation
RESTful router for your API in Nette Framework (@nette). Created either directly or via annotation.
🎁 API router project skeleton based on Nette Framework (@nette) and Contributte (@contributte) libraries by @f3l1x & @paveljanda.
[READ-ONLY] Invocable, single-action and framework-independent presenters in Nette
Dynamic router to Nette Framework
Improved presenter mapping for PresenterFactory from Nette.
[DEPRECATED] Nette Framework link factory indepedent of presenter
Simple static router for Nette Framework
Routes with priority for modular application
Examples, projects, webprojects, skeletons for Nette Framework (@nette) from community members. Included @contributte @apitte @nettrine…
Instante - improved Nette project skeleton
📦 Pre-configured PHP7.1 Nette sandbox.
Extended nette/sandbox with integrated gulp, es6+, nittro, sass, browsersync, ...
Template for PHP libraries
Smart Doctrine search engine with ranking system.
Send ping to search engine by Index now protocol.
Tiny Elasticsearch integration into Nette Framework
Are you tired of authentication while developing your Nette app?
Modular security system for Nette framework
Google reCAPTCHA (security) for Nette Framework \ Forms
Extra contrib to nette/security (@nette)
[DEPRECATED, MOVED to @Symplify] Integration of Firewall and Votres tfrom Symfony\Security to Nette DI
The LDAP/Active Directory authenticator plugin for Nette Framework.
A Psalm plugin, that adds stub files for Nette Framework classes with more precise definition suitable for static analysis.
Simple permission checker for Nette Framework (2.4+)
Integration of The League of Extraordinary Packages' OAuth 2.0 Server into Nette Framework - base package
Google reCAPTCHA extension for Nette Framework
Integration of Doctrine entities implementing IIdentity in Nette 2.1+
Opauth package for Nette framework
Simple Hash Authenticator for Nette Framework
Security annotations for Nette presenters and components.
CSRF protection for Nette Framework presenters' signals.
Two-factor authenticator via Google Authenticator app.
Authentication and authorization
Orisai Auth integration for Nette
Extras for nette/http
Monolog logger integration for Nette
Security by annotations in Nette.
PHP Debug mode enabler (not only for Nette framework)
Small library for encryption via phpseclib
Extension for Nette Framework: NTLM authenticate for authenticator
[DEPRECATED] Extension for authentication and ACL for Nette
Nette extension for simply redirecting user to the same url with different schema
Extension for Nette Framework: set user, password and presenters names to secure and they will be secured via simple http authentification
Simple Nette ConfiguratorExtension for HTTP authentication
Allows definition of multiple authentication ways with unified API (for Nette Framework)
Honeypot extension for Nette Forms
OAuth integration into Nette Framework
Social plugins (facebook, twitter, google) for Nette Framework
Linkedin login
MojeID for Nette Framework
Social Plugins for Nette Framework - Support for Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn and Pinterest
First code
PHP SDK for sending SMS via
[DEPRECATED] Use instead
Slack integration for Tracy debugger (uses Slack Webhook integration)
Tiny Google APIs Client Library 2.x integration to Nette Framework
A small, fast, static free micro framework that makes no assumptions and requires no conventions. It is well suited for migrating off legacy code,…
Deprecated in favor of
Integration of symfony/security-csrf to nette/di.
Integration of symfony/expression-language to nette/di.
Integration of symfony/form to Nette framework.
Integration of symfony/property-access to nette/di.
Basic integration of Twig to Nette Framework. Used by arachne/forms.
Handling nette/http file uploads. Intended to be used with kdyby/validator and/or arachne/forms.
Nette-based Symfony events for application, presenter, form, latte, templates, security and many others.
[DEPRECATED] use contributte/event-dispatcher
[DEPRECATED] use contributte/event-dispatcher
[DEPRECATED due to only 20 downloads per 2 years] Read an article about this idea
[DEPRECATED, MOVED to @Symplify] Integration of Firewall and Votres tfrom Symfony\Security to Nette DI
Simple Symfony Console integration to Nette Framework
PhpStorm FileTemplate generator for Nette Framework application using Symfony/Console
Symfony Console integration for Kdyby components
Events for Nette Framework
Integration of Symfony/Translation into Nette Framework
Implementation of Symfony's BrowserKit for Nette applications.
Opinionated message bus built on top of symfony/messenger.
Basic integration of Twig to Nette Framework. Used by arachne/forms.
HTML to plaintext convertor.
PDF invoice generator
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Universal text parser (Texy, Markdown, Parsedown, ...) for Nette Framework (@nette). Use contributte/latte.
Keeper of app themes.
Quick and easy Texy integration into you Nette Framework projects
Proper way how to load translator into the presenters and controls template in the Nette framework based applications
Texy integration for Nette.
Find the quick difference between two text files in PHP.
Integration of Nette Framework to Codeception.
Tools for debugging nette applications
Testing tool for Nette presenter with easy to use API.
Simple integration testing tool for Nette applications
PHPStan nette/tester extension
Special tuned version of @nette tester called nunjuck!
Loads dependencies to mocked class in Nette Framework environment.
🧰 PHPUnit extension for testing @nette applications
Testing codeception services contains nette presenters, forms, ...
Git version panel for Tracy
The ultimate debugging and development tool for ProcessWire
Universal logging support to Tracy / Nette Framework (@nette)
🔴 First class integration of Sentry to Nette Framework (@nette)
Tuned Tracy Bars/Panels/BlueScreens for easy-developing
Displays current Git branch on Tracy debug panel
A Tracy panel for visualising Nette application component tree.
Tracy Bluescreen panel for Guzzle.
Debug bar panel for Nette Framework
Log your errors directly into Slack room
A Tracy panel for Twig Template Engine
Chrome extension which opens Nette Framework error page when X-Nette-Error-Log header is set
Sentry extension for Nette framework
Debug panel for Nette Framework. Displays presenter and components hiearchy.
Debug panel for Nette Framework and PhpEd (allows enabling/disabling PhpEd debugger)
Panel for Nette Framework DebugBar
Simple extension for Nette Framework, which integrates into the Debug Bar and enables you to easily start and stop a Xdebug session.
☠️ DumpAndDie: Laravel's dd function ported to Nette Tracy
simple bar panel for Tracy
A simple class to add RedBeanPHP logged queries to Tracy's debug bar.
A Tracy panel for Doctrine SQL queries
Integrates Tracy into Monolog, supports uploading Tracy bluescreens to AWS S3
Database updator for Nette/Tracy panel
NavigationPanel for Nette 2.0. Fast navigation for developers.
Annotations Todo panel for Nette 2.0. Displays all todos in any folders set.
Tracy panel with installed libraries version
XDebug Trace panel for Nette 2.0 framework
Tracy extension - for automatic page update through LiveReload
Profiler with adapter for Tracy
Mail panel for Nette framework
Complete integration of Monolog as native Tracy logger.
Query panel for Tracy php debugger
git panel extension for nette framework
Tracy got an angry pet to remind you of your failures
Nette Application Logger for New Relic
Panel for Nette Debug bar which quickly tells you which database you use
A Laravel Package to integrate Nette Tracy Debugger
Nette MailPanel Extension
Debugger panel for Tracy
Nette Sentry logger extension
[ABANDONED] This is nette implementation of sentry raven-php as logger service for tracy.
RolePanel is extension for Nette Framework which change user roles in development mode, where it appears in the debugger bar.
A panel for Tracy, that traces PSR HTTP messages travelling between your PHP backend and other HTTP servers.
Provides interface to go to any destination within Nette Framework application.
Tracy performance panel
Dropzone Uploader for Nette Framework and DropzoneJs.
Handling nette/http file uploads. Intended to be used with kdyby/validator and/or arachne/forms.
🆙 File uploads on steroids for Nette Framework (@nette). Implements blueimp/jquery-file-upload.
Flysystem integration for Nette Framework (2.4+)
File upload control for Nette forms: multi-file AJAX upload via blueimp-file-upload, Bootstrap 4 and 5 template.
Uploading files has its specifics. It is not enough just to upload the file. We also want to show it when it's already uploaded (preferably with a…
Enables object parameters in nette/application.
Integration of symfony/expression-language to nette/di.
Integration of symfony/property-access to nette/di.
Resolvers and iterators over services for nette/di. Used by arachne/forms and other libraries.
Advanced interface for collecting e-mails and sending newsletters.
Simple package for phone number manipulation.
Registers handlers that run at the end of the request.
Simple tool which helps with maintenance of cron tasks.
🎯 AOP (Aspect-oriented programming) for Nette Framework (@nette)
Extra contrib to nette/utils (@nette)
Useful utility classes
Simple one-class lib for separation of NOW resolving.
Helpers for extracting, validating and type-casting data from environment variables
[DEPRECATED] use contributte/event-dispatcher
[DEPRECATED] Use instead.
Lightweight configuration writer for PHP
Extension for detecting mobile devices, managing mobile view types, redirect to mobile version for Nette Framework (2.4+)
Tool for working with GPS points.
Manipulate files over 2GB in PHP on all platforms with byte-precision without headache
Allows you to send files to browser from Presenter. (also can be used without Nette) Allows you to log and restrict access to these files. There is…
PhpStorm FileTemplate generator for Nette Framework application using Symfony/Console
Nette console commands for running application in php builtin server.
Integration of Symfony/Validator into Nette Framework
Tools for debugging nette applications
Parameter casting and validation for Nette Framework
Simple mallgroup/environment adapter for Nette framework
Parser for YAML, JSON and NEON templates.
DNS checker written in PHP to find DNS records and compare it.
Ip address validation and normalization (IPv4 and IPv6)
Signal support for form controls
Czech birth number value object.
This package is considered abandoned. Helpers for extracting, validating and type-casting data from environment variables
Rss Channel Generator
Collection of various utilities for your PHP project
[DEPRECATED] Nette Framework link factory indepedent of presenter
Load and save data from and to various data formats
GitHub Actions reusable workflows and composed actions
Orisai Clock and Symfony Clock integration for Nette
Orisai Data Sources integration for Nette
Configure your Nette application
Orisai Scheduler (cron scheduler) integration for Nette
PHP reflection in more reliable and deterministic way - for declarative engines
Cron job scheduler - with locks, parallelism and more
Generate, validate and serialize source maps
Flysystem integration for Nette Framework
Nette Framework extended paginator with different items count on first page
Create files in %tempDir%/tempnam
Write configuration in XML!
Log error and exceptions int rabbitmq exchange.
Library for easier working with date intervals.
Simple plugin management for Nette framework.
Extension for Nette Framework: register all classes within configured directory (blacklist available)
Saving web passage: small util for Nette Framework
Adds connection from Nette to Ristretto
PasswordRecovery Nette extension
Enables registration of other extensions in config file (for Nette Framework)
Learn any of your Nette components to understand signals.
🔌 Register DI services using annotation for @nette
🛠 Useful PHP utilities and helpers
[no maintenance] Parameters provider for Nette
CSRF protection for Nette Framework presenters' signals.
Simple Apitte testing with Nette\Tester.
PdfMerger for Nette Framework and Ghost Script.
Web Loader for Nette Framework.
API documentation generator (JSON-RPC / REST)
Comgate Payment Gateway implementation for Nette Framework
Contributte Happy Place
Czech Post API client
Set of tools for development / debugging (@nette)
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Symfony Event Dispatcher and Nette Framework (@nette) bridges. Use contributte/event-dispatcher-extra.
💀 [DISCONTINUED] Symfony Event Dispatcher and Nette Security (@nette) bridge. Use contributte/event-dispatcher-extra.
Smart integration of Flysystem into Nette Framework HTTP client for Nette
Guzzle integration into Nette Framework (@nette)
💀 [DISCONTINUED] View-Model + Model-View layer to Nette Framework (@nette). Use contributte/utils.
Criteria Expression for Nextras\ORM + Nextras\DBAL (@nextras)
OAuth2 client for Nette Framework
PSR #11 [Container Interface] to Nette Framework (@nette)
PSR #6 [Caching Interface] to Nette Framework (@nette)
Latte-based replacer for simple texts.
PHP job scheduler (cron) with locking for Nette Framework
Word based captcha (security) for Nette Framework \ Forms (@nette)
Nette addon which allow log Errors and send messages to Slack
Metapackage for Nette framework.
PHPMailer handler for Monolog
Symfony Messenger integration to Nette framework
Nette DebugBar panel, that allows you inspect your sessions.
Nette image generator using imagine package
This code is an implementation of the EET ("elektronická evidence tržeb") in a PHP.
Class scaffolder. Write definition, generate simple value holders. Useful for trivial composite types used in event sourced applications - for…
Keeper of regular expressions.
Url matcher.
Keeper of app views.
Nette extension for the Tactician - simple, flexible command bus library
Rozšíření zobrazení chybových stránek Nette
Macro for embeding SVG into HTML.
Simple CQRS Commands for Nette Framework
Simple cache factory extension for Nette.
Exceptions designed for static analysis and easy usage
[WIP] orisai/object-mapper extension for nextras/orm
Interface for orisai/object-mapper mapped objects
µLibrary for running shell commands on background so you don't have to bother with it (win & *nix)
CLI launcher for Nette application based on nette/sandbox.
PHP library for decimal abstraction using BCMath
WIP Injecting Nette\Application\UI\Presenter::createComponent($name) with list of system wide available components.
ENV variables in config - simple & secure - %env.%
DO NOT USE rixxi/redirector is better replacement. Fails to solve $presenter->redirect([$code, ], $destination[, $arguments]) for you in civilized…
Interface which simplifies life with forms in Nette, not only when it comes to custom themes and templates.
Gedmo Doctrine Extensions integration into Nette Framework using Kdyby/Doctrine
Sane OOP implementation of GAuth for PHP - Can be used as server or client - Other libraries are just (unsecure) shit or pretending to be secure or…
Clean up your prepareTemplateFilters! But seriously don't do it!
Deprecated use instead
KISS library for generating mail messages from single template
Modularization support for Nette applications via extensions. Based on idea.
Redirecting via presenter is so 2000 and late!
POW to simplify caching of Nette\Latte\Engine and Nette\DI\ContainerFactory and for others to enjoy.
Enables overwriting templates in civilized manner
NOT FINISHED At some point in the future this should be base for user functionality
Batch allows you to separate code that is fetching data and processing them in batches. It has many uses.
PSR-16 bridge for Nette Caching.
KeePassHTTP client for PHP using Guzzle
Foliotek/Croppie form control for Nette framework 3.0
Replacement of include, import from nette with more beautiful and shorter version.
České svátky
Extracts gettext phrases from PHP files and Nette Framework templates
php gettext translator
Easy way to display details in bootstrap table from object